Ideas for HTML and CSS
Ideas for HTML
Sub-Headings Element <subh>
<h1>Foo <subh>Foo</subh></h1>
I currently use <small>
element for this purpose.
<h1>Foo <small>Foo</small></h1>
Programing Languages in lang
<code lang="p-python">…</code>
<code lang="p-php">…</code>
<code lang="p-c++">…</code>
p = programming language
New a[rel]
<a rel="about | downloads | contact | preferences | jobs | rss | edit | last | first | …">
New Protocol: a[href="cell-tel:…"]
<a href="cell-tel:…">
Since cell phone, unlike land phone, offers SMS.
As a web component.
Radio List
Check List
Nested <checklist>
items here will inherit the parent list-item state (checked or not).
See: Check Boxes and Radio Buttons in HTML6.
Empowering hreflang
Using this code within the <head>
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="?lang=en">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="ar" href="?lang=ar">
… should lead the fllowing anchor element:
<a href="about/" hreflang="ar">About</a>
to match the following link:
Ideas for CSS
Matching The Current URL
a:current {…}
Directionality in Textual Input Controls
textarea {
direction: auto; /* just like dir="auto" in HTML */
Logical Page Selectors
instead ofleft
instead ofright
Image source: W3C CSS Page-Media Draft.
A New Media Type Called (Poster)
@media poster {…}
Dialog Buttons
dialog {
buttons: close || maximize || minimize;
Styling Scrollbars
Dealing with scrollbar as a set of pseudo-elements, using the following CSS rules:
body::scroll-button {…}
body::scroll-button-top {…}
body::scroll-button-bottom {…}
body::scroll-button-start {…}
body::scroll-button-end {…}
body::scroll-handle {…}
body::scroll-pad {…}
Web Icons
.page-about::icon {
content: char(ℹ);
font: 10pt RichStyle;
icon-position: top;